JOHOR BAHARU, Malaysia June 29 (NNN-BERNAMA) -- Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah claims that there is no provision in Umno for a succession plan for Najib Tun Razak to become Umno president.Contrary to what had been said among Umno members about a succession plan where Najib would take over the post fromAbdullah Ahmad Badawi, Tengku Razaleigh claimed that there was none.It had been reported that Abdullah would relinquish the post to Najib.
"There is no such thing as succession plan as the right is vested with the members. After three years there would be an election process at all levels."(Only) if you die midstream (while holding a post) then somebody will succeed you in acting capacity," said Umno veteran Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah to pressmen after a Meet-the-People Session organised by the Johor Malay Veterans (Protem) Club today.
He was asked why Najib has to contest for the Umno presidential post in Umno election in December when there was a succession plan for him to become the president and Prime Minister.Najib was reported in The Star newspaper as saying that he would make a decision at the appropriate time whether to accept nominations to contest the president's post at Umno's polls in December .
Ku Li said everybody in the party was eligible to offer to contest for any post as long as they hade the credibility, integrity and followed the party’s constitution.Ku Li himself will also be vying for the top post.At the function, Ku Li explained to the people that he could not talk about anything that could be construed as an act of campaigning as stated in Umno’s little red book of code of ethics.
He said he would not jeopardise his chance of contesting for the president's post as, if found committing any offences against the code of ethics, he might face expulsion and this would disappoint his supporters.’Meanwhile, he urged about 300 people attending the function to rally behind their ruler, Sultan Iskandar Ismail, in his highness efforts to reclaim Batu Puteh.—
Monday, June 30, 2008
Saturday, June 28, 2008

Foto oleh mso tinta emas.
Senerio Politik Umno Perak
Akar Umbi Lebih Berani Daripada Ketua Bahagian
EKSPIDISI Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah ke Pulau Pinang dan Perak Sabtu dan Ahad lepas dalam rangka mendekati akar umbi Umno bagi memperkasakan Umno selepas dilanda 'taufan Nargis' dalam pilihan raya umum ke-12 lalu membawa berbagai makna dan kesan tersendiri.Kesanggupan bekas Menteri Kewangan itu untuk turun padang bagi menyuntik semangat ahli untuk mendapatkan semula sesuatu yang hilang - (lima buah negeri) mendapat respond baik daripada ahli Umno akar umbi.Di beberapa tempat yang disinggahi Tengku Razaeigh beliau diberikan sambutan meriah dalam majlis dinamakan Sepetang Bersama Tengku Razaleigh.
Perubahan segera
Di majlis yang diadakan di bandaraya Ipoh yang dikhaskan untuk ahli Umno akar umbi Bahagian Ipoh Timur dihadiri lebih 500 orang. Melihat semangat kepada suasana majlis itu mencerminkan ahli Umno akar umbi begitu mengharap agar Tengku Razaleih dapat melakukan sesuatu perubahan segera untuk masa depan parti berkenaan.Manakala di Teluk Intan kira-kira 2,000 ahli akar umbi yang hadir untuk berdialog dan berintraksi dengan Tengku Razaleigh. Menerusi dialog yang berlangsung lebih dua jam bertempat di sebuah hotel itu terserlah harapan akar umbi yang meletakkan pengharapan tinggi kepada bekas Menteri Kewangan itu berusaha untuk memulihkan Umno.
Ada ahli yang secara jujur memohon agar Tengku Razaleigh mengambil alih segera kepimpinan Umno daripada Abdullah Ahmad Badawi yang mereka sifatkan sudah tidak berdaya lagi khasnya merubah masa depan negara ke arah lebih cemerlang dari apa yang ada sekarang.Dari berbagai soalan dan pertanyaan dilontarkan oleh ahli akar umbi kepada Tengku Razaleigh termasuk yang ingin tahu apakah perubahan dan harapan yang bakal beliau sumbangkan sekiranya dipilih menjadi presdien Umno.
Dalam jawabannya, Tengku Razaleigh menjelaskan antara perkara pokok yang beliau akan lakukan ialah mengembalikan kuasa Umno kepada rakyat. "Kita mahu rakyat menjadi raja bukan pemimpin menjadi diktator," jawab beliau.Dalam pada itu juga katanya beliau akan mencadangkan supaya tempoh seseorang memegang jawatan dihad kepada masa tertentu dan tidak begitu lama. Begitu juga calon-calon dalam pilihan raya akan diserahkan kepada ahli menentukannya, bukanya orang di keliling pemimpin menentukan.
Ahli begitu seronok dan tertarik dengan janji dan formula baru yang dibentangkan oleh ahli Parlimen Gua Musang itu. Ahli juga dapat merasakan keikhlasan dan keseriusan Tengku Razaleigh untuk memancu Umno menjadi parti bermartabat seperti awal dulu.Seorang ahli Umno Bota dari bahagian Parit secara terbuka dan emosi mengundang Tengku Razaleigh agar turun ke kawasannya. "Saya minta Tengku turun ke kampung saya dan di sana nanti ribuan akan sedia menunggu kehadiran Tengku," kata ahli berkenaan.Apa yang disuarakan oleh ahli Umno itu mencerminkan suara dan aspirasi ahli akar umbi yang sudah bersedia mahu melihat perubahan dalam Umno dan Tengku Razaleigh sebagai agen perubahannya.
Tengku Razaleigh sendiri nampak begitu berpuas hati dan gembria dengan sambutan di majlis berkenaan. Majlis berkenaan anjuran Gerakan Rakyat Cekal Perak Selatan yang dikelolakan oleh bekas Ketua Pemuda Umno Bahagian Bagan Datoh, Nasarudin Mohd Rais.Pun begitu ada sesuatu yang dirasakan tempang pada majlis berkenaan bila mana tidak ada seorang pun ketua bahagian yang berani hadir.
Kecuali ketua Umno bahagian Lumut, Zambry Abdul Kadir yang hadir pada pertemuan di Ipoh. Itupun kehadiran Zambry bagaikan pencuri yang ingin melindungi diri, takut-takut.Belum dihayatiKeadaan ini agak mendukacitakan. Ternyata belum ada kebebasan dan kemerdekaan di kalangan ketua-ketua bahagian. Mereka masih takut dan terikat dengan kuasa yang mereka cipta sendiri. Maknanya kemerdekaan masih belum dihayati dan difahami kerana mereka ternyata takut dengan tekanan dan ugutan oleh 'pihak berkuasa' dalam Umno.
Paling mendukacita setengahnya bukan saja tidak hadir tetapi dikatakan turut sebotaj majlis pertemuan itu dengan mengadakan majlis-majlis lain. Misalnya ada seorang ketua Umno bahagian tiba-tiba saja menganjurkan majlis perjumpaan dengan perserta PPRT kononnya bagi membicangkan masalah rakyat termiskin.Bagaimana pun yang hadir khabar semuanya kalangan pemimpin peringkat bahagian yang tidak layak menerima skim berkenaan.
Bukan itu saja, kerana takut dan lebih mementingkan tembolok sendiri juga seorang ketua yang sebelum ini beriya menyatakan untuk hadir dan berjanji dengan Tengku Razaleigh sendiri namun batang hidup pun tidak kelihatan. Alasan diberikan kerana terpaksa hadir ke majlis lain anjuran Umno.Keadaan inilah menyebabkan seroang bekas Ketua Umno Bahagian kesal dan marah dengan sikap ketua-ketua bahagian Umno yang dianggapnya sebagai tidak tahu adab dan tidak beradab.Katanya kalau pun ketua bahagian tidak mahu menyokong Tengku Razaleigh tetapi sekurang-kurangnya mereka hadir sebagai menghormati Tengku Razaleigh sebagai tetamu dan menghormatinya sebagai tokoh pemimpin terulung Umno.
"Inilah yang dikatakan tidak tahu adab dan tidak beradab!"Lantas itu bekas ketua Umno itu mempersoalkan apakah soal-soal adat dan budaya dalam pertubuhan Umno sebuah pertubuhan siasah Melayu kini sudah tidak ada lagi?Barangkali benarlah kata Dr Mahathir Mohamad, bahawa Umno kini akan boleh diubah sekiranya ahli-ahlinya berani. Dan menurutnya ahli yang berani kini hanya peringkat bawahan sahaja, manakala ahli yang berjawatan tidak boleh diharap lagi. Kata Mahathir mereka lebih menjaga periuk nasi mereka daripada masa depan Umno.
Mengambil iktibar atas kenyataan Mahathir itu ahli Umno akar umbi masih tetap boleh mengubah Umno, caranya ialah mereka perlu mengubah ketua-ketua mereka yang penakut, pentingkan diri dan masih belum merdeka itu terlebih dahulu.Sudah pasti kalau akar umbi Umno bersedia melakukan perubahan suasana dalam parti itu yang kini dikongkongi oleh mereka yang pengecut dan mementingkan perut sendiri akan Umno boleh berubah dan seorang presiden baru akan menunggaki Umno. [wm.kl 7:30 am 24/06/08]
Kemenangan Tengku Razaleigh Satu Kemenangan Rakyat
Di dalam suasana Ekonomi yang tidak menentu ini sudah tentunya kita memerlukan seorang Pakar Ekonomi di dalam membuat penyusunan semula Ekonomi negara. Bagi mengurangkan pemindahan bebanan ekonomi Kerajaan kepada rakyat jelata khasnya.
Kenaikkan harga minyak yang diumumkan oleh Perdana Menteri Sekarang Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi akan memberi kesan yang mendalam kepada rakyat jelata khusunya rakyat jelata yang masih hidup “kais pagi makan pagi, kais petang makan petang” mungkin juga kenaikkan harga minyak ini tidak memberi kesan kepada Perdana Menteri, Timbalan Perdeni dan Para Menteri Kabinet kerana perbelanjaan mereka semuanya ditanggung oleh kerajaan.
Penulis juga setuju dengan pandangan mantan Perdana Menteri Tun Dr. Mahathir bin Mohammad bahawa kerajaan sepatutnya ada alternatif lain selain daripada menaikkan harga minyak yang juga boleh disifatkan melampau. Kenaikkan harga minyak paling tinggi di dalam sejarah lima Perdana Menteri yang pernah menerajui negara telah diumumkan oleh Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi yang menyifatkan tindakan itu kerana terpaksa walaupun tindakan itu dianggap tindakan tidak popular yang sering digunakan oleh beliau semasa era kepimpinan beliau.
Faktor kenaikkan harga minyak ini penulis boleh menganggap bahawa faktor kelemahan pendekatan dan Strategi Ekonomi Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. Dalam pada itu, kesimpulan yang boleh dibuat ialah Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi lemah Ekonomi dan tidak wajar lagi diberi peluang menerajui negara.
Penulis melihat orang yang benar-benar layak untuk membuat penyusunan semula Ekonomi negara di samping mengembalikan harga minyak kepada harga asal ialah Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah kerana beliau mempunyai kepakaran ekonomi yang juga boleh disifatkan sebagai luar biasa. Mungkin Faktor Umur Tengku Razaleigh membuatkan orang tidak mahu memilihnya, namun dalam masa terdekat ini tiada salahnya untuk memberi kepercayaan kepada Tengku Razaleigh untuk mengetuai negara dan menstabilkan kembali ekonomi negara.
Pada pandangan penulis sekiranya Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah berjaya memenangi kerusi Presiden UMNO dan dilantik jadi Perdana Menteri, penulis boleh menyifatkan ia adalah satu kemenangan rakyat. Jadi bersama-samalah kita merealisasikan kemenangan Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah demi kepentingan rakyat.
Di dalam suasana Ekonomi yang tidak menentu ini sudah tentunya kita memerlukan seorang Pakar Ekonomi di dalam membuat penyusunan semula Ekonomi negara. Bagi mengurangkan pemindahan bebanan ekonomi Kerajaan kepada rakyat jelata khasnya.
Kenaikkan harga minyak yang diumumkan oleh Perdana Menteri Sekarang Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi akan memberi kesan yang mendalam kepada rakyat jelata khusunya rakyat jelata yang masih hidup “kais pagi makan pagi, kais petang makan petang” mungkin juga kenaikkan harga minyak ini tidak memberi kesan kepada Perdana Menteri, Timbalan Perdeni dan Para Menteri Kabinet kerana perbelanjaan mereka semuanya ditanggung oleh kerajaan.
Penulis juga setuju dengan pandangan mantan Perdana Menteri Tun Dr. Mahathir bin Mohammad bahawa kerajaan sepatutnya ada alternatif lain selain daripada menaikkan harga minyak yang juga boleh disifatkan melampau. Kenaikkan harga minyak paling tinggi di dalam sejarah lima Perdana Menteri yang pernah menerajui negara telah diumumkan oleh Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi yang menyifatkan tindakan itu kerana terpaksa walaupun tindakan itu dianggap tindakan tidak popular yang sering digunakan oleh beliau semasa era kepimpinan beliau.
Faktor kenaikkan harga minyak ini penulis boleh menganggap bahawa faktor kelemahan pendekatan dan Strategi Ekonomi Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. Dalam pada itu, kesimpulan yang boleh dibuat ialah Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi lemah Ekonomi dan tidak wajar lagi diberi peluang menerajui negara.
Penulis melihat orang yang benar-benar layak untuk membuat penyusunan semula Ekonomi negara di samping mengembalikan harga minyak kepada harga asal ialah Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah kerana beliau mempunyai kepakaran ekonomi yang juga boleh disifatkan sebagai luar biasa. Mungkin Faktor Umur Tengku Razaleigh membuatkan orang tidak mahu memilihnya, namun dalam masa terdekat ini tiada salahnya untuk memberi kepercayaan kepada Tengku Razaleigh untuk mengetuai negara dan menstabilkan kembali ekonomi negara.
Pada pandangan penulis sekiranya Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah berjaya memenangi kerusi Presiden UMNO dan dilantik jadi Perdana Menteri, penulis boleh menyifatkan ia adalah satu kemenangan rakyat. Jadi bersama-samalah kita merealisasikan kemenangan Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah demi kepentingan rakyat.
Iklim politik Malaysia tidak lagi sihat - Tengku Razaleigh

GLUGOR, 21 Jun (Hrkh) - Mantan Menteri Kewangan Malaysia, Tan Sri Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah menyifatkan iklim politik Malaysia semakin sakit berikutan kemunculan suara-suara desakan selepas pilihan raya umum ke 12.
Dari segi demokrasi memang ia satu perkembangan yang baik tetapi untuk kepentingan parti Umno dan Barisan Nasional (BN) ia satu yang mendukacitakan, katanya.
"Desakan pada kerajaan semakin membara dan ini mengambarkan iklim politik Malaysia makin bercelaru dan tidak sihat. Apa akan berlaku pada masa depan," jelasnya ketika ditanya wartawan selepas ucaptama dalam program Kongres Permuafakatan Melayu Pulau Pinang Zon Utara di Dewan Kuliah 'U' Univesiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Glugor pagi tadi.
Beliau ketika mengulas tindakan Presiden Parti Maju Sabah (SAPP), Dato' Seri Yong Tek Lee yang mahu mencetuskan undi tidak percaya pada Persidangan Parlimen Isnin ini menambah, ia satu keputusan yang memperlihatkan BN tidak lagi seutuh dulu.
Rakyat sekarang ini bijak menilai dan mereka telah lakukan tindakan dalam pilihan raya umum lepas di mana BN kehilangan banyak kerusi dan hilang empat negeri di Pantai Barat dan gagal menawan Kelantan, katanya.
"Kemelut inilah yang membuatkan wujud suara-suara yang boleh mengancam BN secara menyeluruh," terangnya.
Senario ini katanya, menjadi semakin tegang apabila SAPP sebuah parti dari komponen BN di Sabah mengisytiharkan melakukan undi tidak percaya pada Perdana Menteri, Dato' Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi di parlimen Isnin ini.
Semalam Perdana Menteri mengumumkan tidak akan mengenakan tindakan pada SAPP kerana ia bukan suara keseluruhan SAPP malahan ia hanya dari Presidenya sahaja.
Tetapi, dalam perhimpunan SAPP semalam sudah memutuskan segala-galanya ia adalah suara SAPP bukan secebis keluhan daripada seorang dua kepimpinan tertinggi sahaja.
Kongres Kemuafakatan Melayu Zon Utara kali ini dianjurkan bersama antara Persatuan Melayu Pulau Pinang (Pemenang) dan Ikatan Kelab-Kelab Melayu Pulau Pinang (Ikatan).
Beberapa kertas kerja dibentangkan antaranya oleh Profesor Dato' Dr Zainal Kling bertajuk 'Kedaulatan Kebudayaan, Pendidikan, Bahasa dan Agama Bangsa Melayu'. Presiden Teras Pengupayaan Melayu (TERAS), Haji Azmi Abdul Hamid dengan tajuk 'Mencetuskan Kebangkitan Bangsa' dan 'Melakar Masa Depan Bangsa Melayu Berpaksikan Kedaulatan Perlembagaan Malaysia oleh Profesor Madya Dr. Mustaffa Kasim dari Institut Pemikiran Tun Dr. Mahathir, Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM).
Wang Royalti Mungkin Lebih Banyak - Tengku Razaleigh

Wang Royalti Mungkin Lebih Banyak - Tengku Razaleigh
Ditulis oleh SM Noor
Thursday, 19 June 2008
Kuala Terengganu – Wang royalti hasil minyak yang sepatutnya dibayar secara tunai oleh Petronas kepada negeri Terengganu mungkin lebih banyak jumlahnya kini daripada yang diisytiharkan oleh Kerajaan Persekutuan. Ia adalah kerana, pihak yang bertanggungjawab menyimpan wang royalti tersebut perlu membayar kadar faedah keatas wang yang terkumpul, yang tidak diserahkan kepada kerajaan negeri Terengganu.
“Sepatutnya Kerajaan Pusat atau pun Petronas, saya tak tahu siapa yang bertanggungjawab, juga kena bayar berkenaan kadar faedah keatas wang yang terkumpul,
“jadi kalau berdasar kepada ‘compounded rate’ (kadar berganda) mungkin jumlahnya lebih besar daripada angka 7, 8 bilion yang saya sebut secara am sebentar tadi,” kata Tengku razaleigh Hamzah, Bekas Menteri Kewangan yang juga bekas Pengerusi Petronas sewaktu menyampaikan ucapan bertajuk ‘Sejarah Royalti; Royalti Petroleum Hak Rakyat Terengganu’ dalam Konvensyen Royalti yang diadakan baru-baru ini.
Ditulis oleh SM Noor
Thursday, 19 June 2008
Kuala Terengganu – Wang royalti hasil minyak yang sepatutnya dibayar secara tunai oleh Petronas kepada negeri Terengganu mungkin lebih banyak jumlahnya kini daripada yang diisytiharkan oleh Kerajaan Persekutuan. Ia adalah kerana, pihak yang bertanggungjawab menyimpan wang royalti tersebut perlu membayar kadar faedah keatas wang yang terkumpul, yang tidak diserahkan kepada kerajaan negeri Terengganu.
“Sepatutnya Kerajaan Pusat atau pun Petronas, saya tak tahu siapa yang bertanggungjawab, juga kena bayar berkenaan kadar faedah keatas wang yang terkumpul,
“jadi kalau berdasar kepada ‘compounded rate’ (kadar berganda) mungkin jumlahnya lebih besar daripada angka 7, 8 bilion yang saya sebut secara am sebentar tadi,” kata Tengku razaleigh Hamzah, Bekas Menteri Kewangan yang juga bekas Pengerusi Petronas sewaktu menyampaikan ucapan bertajuk ‘Sejarah Royalti; Royalti Petroleum Hak Rakyat Terengganu’ dalam Konvensyen Royalti yang diadakan baru-baru ini.
Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Senator Datuk Amirsham A. Aziz berkata , dalam tempoh tiga tahun bermula 2004, Petronas telah membayar sejumlah RM26.8391 bilion sebagai royalti kepada Kerajaan Persekutuan, Terengganu, Sabah dan Sarawak. Beliau bekata demikian ketika menjawab soalan Ketua Pembangkang, Datin Seri Dr. Wan Azizah Wan Ismail (PKR-Permatang Pauh) pada persidangan Dewan Rakyat pada 13 Mei lalu.
(Gambar: Ku Li dan Tun Salleh, dua individu yang terlibat secara langsung dengan penubuhan Petronas)
Amirsham juga berkata, daripada jumlah tersebut, daripada jumlah itu, sebanyak RM13.419 bilion dibayar kepada Kerajaan Persekutuan, Terengganu (RM7.364 bilion), Sabah (1.234 bilion) dan Sarawak (4.821 bilion).Kelmarin, Menteri Besar Terengganu, Datuk Ahmad Said menyatakan kerajaan negeri akan menghantar wakil bagi mengadakan perbincangan dengan kerajaan Persekutuan terutama Menteri Kewangan Kedua Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcob berhubung pengembalian wang royalti dalam tempoh terdekat.
Ahmad berkata perbincangan itu penting untuk menyelesaikan beberapa isu berkaitan dengan royalti minyak yang akan dikembalikan mulai tahun ini. ”Selain itu kita juga hendak tahu jumlah wang terkumpul dan baki kepunyaan kita yang bakal diperolehi," kata Ahmad.Tengku Razaleigh dalam ucapannya juga menyebut bahawa beliau telah berpesan kepada Menteri Besar Terengganu, Ahmad Said perlu menyelesaikan segera tuntutan bayaran royalti minyak tersebut.
“Ia perlu dibuat perhitungan secara terperinci kerana kadar faedah adalah berubah pada setiap hari,” tambah Tengku Razaleigh
Bila Kuli menepuk rostrum

Foto - foto dari minaq
Bila Ku Li menepuk rostrum"
Oleh Mohd Sayuti Omar
Isnin, 16 Jun 2008
TENGKU Razaleigh Hamzah (Ku Li) adalah antara tokoh dan pemimpin yang sederhana. Walaupun beliau berdarah ningrat, namun sifat-sifat ego sebagai keluarga bangsawan tidak dipamerkan dan seolah beliau tidak sedikipun mempunyai keistimewaan itu.
Ku Li pandai menyesuaikan dirinya dengan masyarakat kebanyakan. Kalau dipangkal namanya tidak ada perkataan “Tengku”, mungkin orang tidak percaya dia adalah seorang putra raja.
Tanyalah siapa yang mengenali dan pernah mendekatinya akan merasai hakikat itu kecuali mereka yang ada masalah personal dengannya. Beliau sangat humble dan bersahaja.
Pakaian casualnya sudah boleh menjelaskan kesederhanaan itu. Di majlis-majlis separuh rasmi beliau sering mengenakan baju kemeja bertangan pendek yang lolos dan berseluar longgar.
Demikian juga dengan kenderaanya. Dari dulu sampai kini beliau masih menggunakan kenderaan lama. Tidak mungkin beliau tidak mampu untuk membeli Cyran seperti dimiliki anak-anak Mahathir Mohamad atau Hishamuddin Hussein yang bernilai jutaan ringgit itu.
Beliau boleh makan dan duduk berbicara dengan sesiapa sahaja, di mana dan keadaan apa saja. Beliau juga seorang pendengar yang baik.
Tidak mudah mematahkan hujah orang walaupun tidak logik dan menyakinkannya. Perbualannya yang sesekali dibumbui ketawa dan serius itu menjadikan orang mudah terlekat hati dan merasai kemesraannya. Berdiri di hadapan Ku Li kita tidak dipisahkan oleh apa-apa status!
Itulah tanggapan secara umum mengenai Ku Li.
Tetapi pagi tadi ketika berucap pada majlis pertemuan dengan ahli Umno akar umbi di bahagian Gombak, di Taman Melawati benar-benar mengejutkan saya apabila beliau menepuk rostrum lebih dari tiga kali.
Saya tidak percaya yang berbuat begitu Ku Li. Selalunya yang suka menempuk rostrum ialah Ibrahim Ali atau pun Muhammad Sabu.
Apabila ianya dilakukan Ku Li ia benar-benar merujakan. Mesti ada sesuatu yang serius sehingga Ku Li juga bersikap seperti Ibrahim Ali!
Apa yang menjadikan Ku Li tiba-tiba naik angin pagi tadi ialah apabila membicara soal peralihan kuasa dalam Umno.
Kenyataan Abdullah Ahmad Badawi di Kota Bharu kelmarin dan diulangi di Terengganu semalam yang mengatakan tarikh peralihan kuasa dari beliau (Abdullah) kepada Mohd Najib Razak telah pun ditentukan. Kenyataan itu menjengkil dan kurang disenangi Ku Li.
Beliau ada hujah dan alasan kenapa tidak merasa kecewa dengan tindak tanduk Abdullah itu. Bagi Ku Li Abdullah tidak berhak membuat sebarang janji untuk atau pandai-pandai hendak melepaskan kuasa atau jawatan (Perdana Menteri) kepada timbalannya atau sesiapa saja.
Ini kata katanya, apa yang dibuat Abdullah itu tidak pernah menjadi amalan Umno sebelum ini dan bertentangan dengan perlembagaan parti. "Jawatan bukan milik seseorang dan tidak ada dalam perlembagaan Umno tidak ada peruntukan yang boleh berbuat begit," ujarnya.
Tambahnya lagi kedudukan sebagai Perdana Menteri dan Presiden parti bukan keistimewaan untuk berbuat demikian. "Walaupun dia Perdana menteri namun dia tidak ada hak untuk bercakap nak serah kuasa pada sipolan sipolan
,” katanya dengan kesal sambil melepaskan tumbukan ke rostrum.
Menurut bekas Naib Presiden Umno itu yang berhak untuk melantik sesiapa juga jadi perdana menteri ialah Yang di-Pertuan Agong. Perkara ini adalah hak dan kedudukan dalam perlembagaan negara.
Menurut bekas Naib Presiden Umno itu yang berhak untuk melantik sesiapa juga jadi perdana menteri ialah Yang di-Pertuan Agong. Perkara ini adalah hak dan kedudukan dalam perlembagaan negara.
Bagi Ku Li tindakan Abdullah itu jelas melanggar peruntukan perlembagaan dan secara tidak langsung ia juga cuba menafikan kuasa Yang di-Pertuan Agong.
Justeru menurutnya kalau ahli-ahli Umno menerima juga peralihan kuasa yang dicadangkan Abdullah itu ini bermakna bodohlah ahli Umno. “Kalau kita menerima juga peralihan kuasa itu maka bodohlah kita,” jelas ahli Parlimen Gua Musang itu.
Bagaimana pun sarannya sekiranya ahli Umno tidak dapat menerima peraturan yang tidak ada dalam peruntukan perlembagaan itu maka ianya hendaklah ditolak.
Ku Li nampak benar-benar serius dalam soal ini. Kalau tidak masakan beliau sampai menepuk rostrum berkali-kali. Topik yang menjadikan beliau naik angin sehingga menepuk rostrum juga ialah semasa menyentuh soal sistem kuota yang diperkenalkan dalam Umno.
Sistem itu menurutnya tidak menghormati hak dan kebebasan ahli dan menyekat kebebasan demokrasi di dalam Umno.
Menurut Ku Li sistem itu patut dihapuskan dan mereka yang menerimanya adalah mereka yang pengecut dan takut kepada bayang-bayang sendiri.
"Kalau kita benar-benar merasakan kita layak apa hendak ditakutkan kepada perlawan, kita lawan..." ujarnya. Dalam pada itu beliau sekali menegaskan, apa juga halangan namun beliau tetap akan lawan.
Apabila Ku Li menepuk rostrum, tepukan itu bukan kerana dirinya kerana kebetulan beliau hendak bertanding pada Disember hadapan. Tetapi tepukan dan geraman itu ialah untuk kebaikan Umno.
Seperti kata beliau, kalau beliau jadi PM, beliau tidak akan duduk lama di situ beliau hanya sekadar hendak menghabiskan sisa-sisa usianya demi perjuangan.
“Saya tidak bercadang untuk duduk lama, tetapi sekadar menghabiskan sisa-sisa usia untuk perjuangan...” jelas beliau. Beliau juga menyatakan sekiranya beliau jadi presiden parti segala peraturan yang tidak demokratik itu akan dihapuskan dan pemegang jawatan juga akan dihadkan mengikut tempoh tertentu.
Berpandukan kepada track record serta sikap dan sifat Ku Li sebagai pemimpin, jelas bahawa tepukan rostrum yang dilakukan pagi tadi bukan untuk dirinya semata-mata sebaliknya yang lebih penting beliau berbuat demikian bagi menyedarkan ahli Umno yang dilihat sudah begitu lemah dan mudah hanyut dalam arus kebendaan sehingga menerima apa saja keputusan pemimpin meskipun bertentangan dengan perlembagaan parti.
Penulis dilahirkan di Kampung Gual Nibong, Gual Periok, Pasir Mas Kelantan pada Feb, 1960. Mendapat pendidikan dan pengalaman kewartawanan di Indonesia awal tahun 1980-an. Berkecimpung dalam dunia kewartawan/penulisan buku politik sejak lebih 20 tahun. Sehingga kini telah menghasilkan lebih 45 buah buku politik semasa. Antara buku yang menjadi sebutan "Anwar Ibrahim: Mimpi dan Realiti, "Sumpah dan Airmata Reformis Bangsa:,"Saya Mahafiraun", "Hitam Putih: Darul Arqam" dan lain-lain. Blog beliau boleh dilayari di - Pengarang
Tengku Razaleigh mahu ahli Umno buang sindrom takut
Tengku Razaleigh mahu ahli Umno buang sindrom takut
Written by Saiful Malek Muda
Wednesday, 18 June 2008 09:38
KETIKA membaca berita dari Kuala Berang mengenai seruan Ketua Umno Bahagian Gua Musang, Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah supaya ahli-ahli Umno perlu buang sindrom takut, terfikir oleh saya untuk mengulas pandangan itu kerana ia cukup menarik untuk diperkatakan.
Berita Harian 14 Jun melaporkan; Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah meminta ahli Umno membuang sindrom takut bagi memastikan Umno terus kuat dan menjadi parti yang relevan dengan orang Melayu.
Tengku Razaleigh mendakwa ahli Umno mempunyai sindrom takut kepada pemimpin.
Setakat ini, ahli-ahli Umno nampak, Tengku Razaleighlah yang paling berani. Berani menawarkan diri bertanding jawatan Presiden sekaligus mencabar kedudukan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.
Sudah banyak tempat juga Tengku Razaleigh pergi berucap. Berjumpa dengan ahli-ahli di peringkat cawangan. Antaranya, Kedah, Johor, Terengganu dan Sabah. Apakah betul ahli-ahli Umno dilanda sindrom takut seperti dakwaan Tengku Razaleigh?
Ia suatu perkara yang menarik untuk diperkatakan, diulas dan dipolemikkan. Tetapi sebelum menulis mengenai Tengku Razaleigh, kita juga harus membuang jauh-jauh sindrom takut kerana jika tidak cukup keberanian, memang tidak ada sesiapa sanggup menyentuh Tengku Razaleigh ini termasuk pemimpin-pemimpin Umno.
Lihatlah, apabila Berita Harian 14 Jun 2008 menyebut Tengku Razaleigh sebagai Ahli Majlis Tertinggi (MT) Umno, tidak ada pembetulan atau ralat dibuat sehari kemudian. Maknanya, Tengku Razaleigh sudah dilantik 'menjadi Ahli MT' oleh akhbar Berita Harian dan bukan oleh perwakilan Umno atau Presiden Umno. Bila pula Tengku Razaleigh menjadi Ahli MT dalam penggal ini? Apakah wartawan dan editor Berita Harian sudah silap? Kalau silap, mengapa tidak buat pembetulan? Atau, tidak penting mengaku kesilapan?
Sebenarnya, pada pandangan saya, bukan Tengku Razaleigh yang boleh dianggap berani dan tidak dilanda sindrom takut di kalangan ahli-ahli Umno tetapi Tengku Razaleigh sebenarnya mengajak ahli-ahli Umno berfikir secara 'songsang'. Sanggup melawan pucuk pimpinan bukan sesuatu yang berani tetapi sesuatu yang dianggap tidak rasional ketika ini.
Jika ahli-ahli Umno mahu melihat seorang pemimpin atau seorang ahli parti yang berani, mereka sebenarnya memberi perhatian kepada keberanian yang ada pada diri Pak Lah sendiri. Walaupun beliau diserang, dikritik dan ditohmah, tetapi secara bersendirian beliau masih terus bekerja, merancang dan memperbetulkan pelbagai kelemahan parti dan kerajaan.
Orang lain, termasuk Tengku Razaleigh boleh berjalan ke sana ke sini, termasuk bekas Menteri Besar Selangor, Datuk Seri Dr. Mohamad Khir Toyo, bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad dan Menteri Perdagangan Antarabangsa dan Industri, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Mohd Yassin, bercakap dengan pelbagai cara, memperendah-rendahkan kreadibiliti Perdana Menteri yang juga Presiden Umno, tetapi Pak Lah terus bekerja, siang dan malam, sedaya upaya menyelesaikan pelbagai isu.
Isu kenaikkan harga minyak yang meresahkan rakyat ditangani dengan penuh bijaksana. Walaupun kerajaan tidak lagi mampu terus member subsidi yang besar terhadap minyak di negara ini, tetapi kerajaan tetap member rebat, walaupun tidak sebesar mana tetapi, boleh sesak semua pejabat pos di seluruh negara dibuatnya.
Kalau dengar cakap orang-orang Pas, PKR dan DAP, mereka mungkin menolak rebat yang diberikan kerajaan tetapi, jelas merekalah antara orang ramai yang awal-awal berada di semua Pejabat Pos di seluruh negara menerima rebat tersebut. Kalau betul-betul marah, tolaklah rebat tu. Kalau betul-betul nak protes, proteslah. Janganlah ketika pemimpin Pas berarak tunjuk perasaan di Jalan Tuaku Abdul Rahman, mereka turut berarak tetapi dalam masa yang sama, mereka juga yang beratur panjang menerima rebat RM625 di Pejabat Pos di seluruh negara.
Pemimpin Pas mungkin tidak kelihatan kerana mereka juga hidup mewah. Pakai kereta lebih dari 2,000 cc. Tapi, orang-orang Pas, PKR dan DAP kelihatan ramai menadah tangan menerima rebat.
Jadi yang berani, bukan orang yang hendak mencabar Presiden Umno dan Perdana Menteri. Orang yang berani bukan orang yang berarak tunjuk perasaan sebaliknya, yang berani adalah orang yang mengilhamkan rebat ketika harga minyak mahal. Orang yang berani ialah Pak Lah atau nama sebenarnya Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. Macam-macam strategi dibuatnya untuk meringankan bebanan rakyat. Bukan startegi yang disusun parti-parti pembangkang yang hanya tahu mengecam, berarak dan berucap, membakar semangat supaya rakyat menentang kerajaan.
Jika Pak Lah adalah ahli Umno yang dilanda sindrom takut, beliau sudah 'melepaskan' jawatannya dengan pelbagai masalah yang timbul. Jika Pak Lah dilanda sindrom takut, sudah lama beliau melarikan diri dari tugas dan tanggungjawabnya terhadap parti dan negara.
Kita, sama ada sebagai ahli Umno biasa atau pemimpin Umno di pelbagai peringkat juga perlu menjadi seorang ahli yang berani dan tidak dilanda sindrom takut mempertahankan kepimpinan. Jangan kita tidak usah malu. Jangan kita berfikiran songsang, jika mempertahankan Perdana Menteri dan kepimpinan, kita dianggap dilanda sindrom takut, sebaliknya jika menentang, dianggap berani.
Sebenarnya, hanya keberanian sahajalah yang mampu mempertahankan kepimpinan. Jika kita takut mempertahankan kepimpinan, bermakna kita terlibat dengan hasutan mereka yang mahu kita berfikiran songsang, hanya menentang sahaja berani sebaliknya, mempertahankan, penakut!
Kita kena menjadi seorang ahli parti yang tahu berfikir. Berfikir secara betul. Mempertahankan kepimpinan adalah tanggungjawab ahli. Jangan kita bertanya apa yang aku dapat daripada menyokong kepimpinan kerana mempertahankan kepimpinan adalah kewajiban. Kita bertanggungjawab dunia dan akhirat.
Kalau sekarang Tengku Razaleigh berjalan ke seluruh negara menceritakan pelbagai kelemahan yang dia nampak, kenapa semua ini tidak dilakukan ketika tiada pemilihan parti? Dengan tindak-tanduk Tengku Razaleigh sekarang ini, ahli-ahli Umno akan membuat spekulasi, dia berjalan kerana mahu menagih sokongan untuk mencapai hajat dan cita-cita menjadi Perdana Menteri.
Pandangan saya ini mungkin akan mendapat respon dari orang-orang di keliling Tengku Razaleigh yang merupakan penulis hebat dan tersohor. Tetapi malangnya, Tengku Razaleigh terlalu baru mengenali penulis tersohor ini. Tengku Razaleigh mungkin tidak tahu latar belakang penulis tersohor ini. Adakah kehadirannya di samping Tengku Razaleigh akan menarik sokongan dari ketua-ketua bahagian dan perwakilan Umno dari seluruh negara?
Mengenai gandingan Tengku Razaleigh, selepas dia memilih Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak sebagai gandingannya, ramai juga yang tersenyum sinis. Kata mereka, lebih baiklah Najib dari mana-mana pemimpin dari Sabah yang sebelum itu, menjadi pilihan Tengku Razaleigh.
Bukan apa, ramai yang beranggapan, jika ada mana-mana pemimpin dari Sabah yang mahu menjadi Timbalan Presiden Umno atau Naib Presiden, mereka boleh pergi sendiri tanpa perlu bergandingan dengan sesiapa pun. Yang penting mereka merupakan pendokong aspirasi perjuangan Umno dan bukan politik sempit kenegerian yang tidak menguntungkan
Tengku Razaleigh mahu ahli Umno buang sindrom takut
Written by Saiful Malek Muda
Wednesday, 18 June 2008 09:38
KETIKA membaca berita dari Kuala Berang mengenai seruan Ketua Umno Bahagian Gua Musang, Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah supaya ahli-ahli Umno perlu buang sindrom takut, terfikir oleh saya untuk mengulas pandangan itu kerana ia cukup menarik untuk diperkatakan.
Berita Harian 14 Jun melaporkan; Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah meminta ahli Umno membuang sindrom takut bagi memastikan Umno terus kuat dan menjadi parti yang relevan dengan orang Melayu.
Tengku Razaleigh mendakwa ahli Umno mempunyai sindrom takut kepada pemimpin.
Setakat ini, ahli-ahli Umno nampak, Tengku Razaleighlah yang paling berani. Berani menawarkan diri bertanding jawatan Presiden sekaligus mencabar kedudukan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.
Sudah banyak tempat juga Tengku Razaleigh pergi berucap. Berjumpa dengan ahli-ahli di peringkat cawangan. Antaranya, Kedah, Johor, Terengganu dan Sabah. Apakah betul ahli-ahli Umno dilanda sindrom takut seperti dakwaan Tengku Razaleigh?
Ia suatu perkara yang menarik untuk diperkatakan, diulas dan dipolemikkan. Tetapi sebelum menulis mengenai Tengku Razaleigh, kita juga harus membuang jauh-jauh sindrom takut kerana jika tidak cukup keberanian, memang tidak ada sesiapa sanggup menyentuh Tengku Razaleigh ini termasuk pemimpin-pemimpin Umno.
Lihatlah, apabila Berita Harian 14 Jun 2008 menyebut Tengku Razaleigh sebagai Ahli Majlis Tertinggi (MT) Umno, tidak ada pembetulan atau ralat dibuat sehari kemudian. Maknanya, Tengku Razaleigh sudah dilantik 'menjadi Ahli MT' oleh akhbar Berita Harian dan bukan oleh perwakilan Umno atau Presiden Umno. Bila pula Tengku Razaleigh menjadi Ahli MT dalam penggal ini? Apakah wartawan dan editor Berita Harian sudah silap? Kalau silap, mengapa tidak buat pembetulan? Atau, tidak penting mengaku kesilapan?
Sebenarnya, pada pandangan saya, bukan Tengku Razaleigh yang boleh dianggap berani dan tidak dilanda sindrom takut di kalangan ahli-ahli Umno tetapi Tengku Razaleigh sebenarnya mengajak ahli-ahli Umno berfikir secara 'songsang'. Sanggup melawan pucuk pimpinan bukan sesuatu yang berani tetapi sesuatu yang dianggap tidak rasional ketika ini.
Jika ahli-ahli Umno mahu melihat seorang pemimpin atau seorang ahli parti yang berani, mereka sebenarnya memberi perhatian kepada keberanian yang ada pada diri Pak Lah sendiri. Walaupun beliau diserang, dikritik dan ditohmah, tetapi secara bersendirian beliau masih terus bekerja, merancang dan memperbetulkan pelbagai kelemahan parti dan kerajaan.
Orang lain, termasuk Tengku Razaleigh boleh berjalan ke sana ke sini, termasuk bekas Menteri Besar Selangor, Datuk Seri Dr. Mohamad Khir Toyo, bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad dan Menteri Perdagangan Antarabangsa dan Industri, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Mohd Yassin, bercakap dengan pelbagai cara, memperendah-rendahkan kreadibiliti Perdana Menteri yang juga Presiden Umno, tetapi Pak Lah terus bekerja, siang dan malam, sedaya upaya menyelesaikan pelbagai isu.
Isu kenaikkan harga minyak yang meresahkan rakyat ditangani dengan penuh bijaksana. Walaupun kerajaan tidak lagi mampu terus member subsidi yang besar terhadap minyak di negara ini, tetapi kerajaan tetap member rebat, walaupun tidak sebesar mana tetapi, boleh sesak semua pejabat pos di seluruh negara dibuatnya.
Kalau dengar cakap orang-orang Pas, PKR dan DAP, mereka mungkin menolak rebat yang diberikan kerajaan tetapi, jelas merekalah antara orang ramai yang awal-awal berada di semua Pejabat Pos di seluruh negara menerima rebat tersebut. Kalau betul-betul marah, tolaklah rebat tu. Kalau betul-betul nak protes, proteslah. Janganlah ketika pemimpin Pas berarak tunjuk perasaan di Jalan Tuaku Abdul Rahman, mereka turut berarak tetapi dalam masa yang sama, mereka juga yang beratur panjang menerima rebat RM625 di Pejabat Pos di seluruh negara.
Pemimpin Pas mungkin tidak kelihatan kerana mereka juga hidup mewah. Pakai kereta lebih dari 2,000 cc. Tapi, orang-orang Pas, PKR dan DAP kelihatan ramai menadah tangan menerima rebat.
Jadi yang berani, bukan orang yang hendak mencabar Presiden Umno dan Perdana Menteri. Orang yang berani bukan orang yang berarak tunjuk perasaan sebaliknya, yang berani adalah orang yang mengilhamkan rebat ketika harga minyak mahal. Orang yang berani ialah Pak Lah atau nama sebenarnya Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. Macam-macam strategi dibuatnya untuk meringankan bebanan rakyat. Bukan startegi yang disusun parti-parti pembangkang yang hanya tahu mengecam, berarak dan berucap, membakar semangat supaya rakyat menentang kerajaan.
Jika Pak Lah adalah ahli Umno yang dilanda sindrom takut, beliau sudah 'melepaskan' jawatannya dengan pelbagai masalah yang timbul. Jika Pak Lah dilanda sindrom takut, sudah lama beliau melarikan diri dari tugas dan tanggungjawabnya terhadap parti dan negara.
Kita, sama ada sebagai ahli Umno biasa atau pemimpin Umno di pelbagai peringkat juga perlu menjadi seorang ahli yang berani dan tidak dilanda sindrom takut mempertahankan kepimpinan. Jangan kita tidak usah malu. Jangan kita berfikiran songsang, jika mempertahankan Perdana Menteri dan kepimpinan, kita dianggap dilanda sindrom takut, sebaliknya jika menentang, dianggap berani.
Sebenarnya, hanya keberanian sahajalah yang mampu mempertahankan kepimpinan. Jika kita takut mempertahankan kepimpinan, bermakna kita terlibat dengan hasutan mereka yang mahu kita berfikiran songsang, hanya menentang sahaja berani sebaliknya, mempertahankan, penakut!
Kita kena menjadi seorang ahli parti yang tahu berfikir. Berfikir secara betul. Mempertahankan kepimpinan adalah tanggungjawab ahli. Jangan kita bertanya apa yang aku dapat daripada menyokong kepimpinan kerana mempertahankan kepimpinan adalah kewajiban. Kita bertanggungjawab dunia dan akhirat.
Kalau sekarang Tengku Razaleigh berjalan ke seluruh negara menceritakan pelbagai kelemahan yang dia nampak, kenapa semua ini tidak dilakukan ketika tiada pemilihan parti? Dengan tindak-tanduk Tengku Razaleigh sekarang ini, ahli-ahli Umno akan membuat spekulasi, dia berjalan kerana mahu menagih sokongan untuk mencapai hajat dan cita-cita menjadi Perdana Menteri.
Pandangan saya ini mungkin akan mendapat respon dari orang-orang di keliling Tengku Razaleigh yang merupakan penulis hebat dan tersohor. Tetapi malangnya, Tengku Razaleigh terlalu baru mengenali penulis tersohor ini. Tengku Razaleigh mungkin tidak tahu latar belakang penulis tersohor ini. Adakah kehadirannya di samping Tengku Razaleigh akan menarik sokongan dari ketua-ketua bahagian dan perwakilan Umno dari seluruh negara?
Mengenai gandingan Tengku Razaleigh, selepas dia memilih Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak sebagai gandingannya, ramai juga yang tersenyum sinis. Kata mereka, lebih baiklah Najib dari mana-mana pemimpin dari Sabah yang sebelum itu, menjadi pilihan Tengku Razaleigh.
Bukan apa, ramai yang beranggapan, jika ada mana-mana pemimpin dari Sabah yang mahu menjadi Timbalan Presiden Umno atau Naib Presiden, mereka boleh pergi sendiri tanpa perlu bergandingan dengan sesiapa pun. Yang penting mereka merupakan pendokong aspirasi perjuangan Umno dan bukan politik sempit kenegerian yang tidak menguntungkan
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Perjumpaan Melayu Berhemah di Pulai 28 June 2008
Kelab Veteran Melayu Negeri Johor &
Kelab Veteran UMNO Bahagian Pulai
Dengan Takzimnya Menganjurkan
Sebagai Bangsa Melayu yang berhemah, bersopan, setia dan santun di hiaskan dengan menjemput hadir semua orang Melayu untuk kita bersama mengkata dan mengkota-kata suara keramat “MELAYU YANG BERHEMAH MELAHIRKAN PEMIMPIN YANG SEMPURNA”
Perjumpaan diserikan lagi dengan kehadiran dan ucaptama dari
Y.B.M. Tengku Tan Sri Razaleigh Hamzah
Ketua UMNO Bahagian Gua Musang
Tarikh: Sabtu 28hb Jun 2008/23 Jamadilakhir 1429
Tempat: Dewan orang ramai Taman CempakaJohor Bahru
Masa: Jam 2.30 petang
Pakaian: Semolek-moleknya Baju Kebangsaan Melayu
Kelab Veteran UMNO Bahagian Pulai
Dengan Takzimnya Menganjurkan
Sebagai Bangsa Melayu yang berhemah, bersopan, setia dan santun di hiaskan dengan menjemput hadir semua orang Melayu untuk kita bersama mengkata dan mengkota-kata suara keramat “MELAYU YANG BERHEMAH MELAHIRKAN PEMIMPIN YANG SEMPURNA”
Perjumpaan diserikan lagi dengan kehadiran dan ucaptama dari
Y.B.M. Tengku Tan Sri Razaleigh Hamzah
Ketua UMNO Bahagian Gua Musang
Tarikh: Sabtu 28hb Jun 2008/23 Jamadilakhir 1429
Tempat: Dewan orang ramai Taman CempakaJohor Bahru
Masa: Jam 2.30 petang
Pakaian: Semolek-moleknya Baju Kebangsaan Melayu
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Program Forum Mencanai Minda

Forum Mencanai Minda ' Suntikan Semangat Satria Pasca PRU Ke 12 ' Anjuran Rakyat Cengal Selatan (8 Parlimen)
Tempat : Hotel Angsoka Teluk Intan Perak
Tarikh : 22 Jun 2008 (AHAD)
Jam : 2.00 Petang - 4.30 Petang Bersama Tan Sri Sanusi Junid,
Datuk Paduka Ibrahim Ali dan Datuk Ruhanie Ahmad.
Jam : 4.30 - 7.30 Petang Program Sepetang Bersama YBM Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah dan Pimpinan Akar Umbi Perak Selatan.
Semua Di Jemput Hadir.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Razaleigh claims Sabah backing to take on Abdullah
Razaleigh claims Sabah backing to take on Abdullah
Posted by Super Admin
Saturday, 14 June 2008
(NST) - Umno supreme council member Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah claims he has the backing from Sabah to challenge Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi for the party presidency in December.The Gua Musang MP said he has no problem accepting a Sabahan to contest the deputy and vice-president’s posts.“When I was in Sabah, I was asked if Sabahans were allowed to contest and I told them I was open to the matter.“I don’t think there are any differences between a Sabahan and a West Malaysian. They have the capability and in fact some of them are better than the people here,” he said. He was speaking to reporters after a meeting with Umno members, here, where he briefed them on the current issues and problems facing the party. Tengku Razaleigh denied claims that Sabah Umno members were not given a chance to contest for top posts.He said as Umno had its origins in the peninsula and had gone to Sabah not too long ago, most members in the peninsula were still not familiar with their Sabah Umno members.
Posted by Super Admin
Saturday, 14 June 2008
(NST) - Umno supreme council member Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah claims he has the backing from Sabah to challenge Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi for the party presidency in December.The Gua Musang MP said he has no problem accepting a Sabahan to contest the deputy and vice-president’s posts.“When I was in Sabah, I was asked if Sabahans were allowed to contest and I told them I was open to the matter.“I don’t think there are any differences between a Sabahan and a West Malaysian. They have the capability and in fact some of them are better than the people here,” he said. He was speaking to reporters after a meeting with Umno members, here, where he briefed them on the current issues and problems facing the party. Tengku Razaleigh denied claims that Sabah Umno members were not given a chance to contest for top posts.He said as Umno had its origins in the peninsula and had gone to Sabah not too long ago, most members in the peninsula were still not familiar with their Sabah Umno members.
Malaysia Will Go Bankrupt If It Continues Giving Oil Subsidy, Says Ku Li
Malaysia Will Go Bankrupt If It Continues Giving Oil Subsidy, Says Ku Li
Posted by Super Admin
Saturday, 14 June 2008
(Bernama) -- The country can go bankrupt if the government continues giving oil subsidy to the people, in order to cope with the global oil price hike, without sound measures to tackle the problem, said former Finance Minister Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah.He said based on information from Petronas and the oil production rate of 600,000 barrels per day currently, he opined that the country's oil and gas reserves would not be able to meet the demand in the next five years."After this, Malaysia will have to bear a high cost and depend wholly on oil imports to meet the local demand."If the oil subsidy continues like in the last 45 years, the country can go bankrupt. Now we are producing 600,000 barrels daily...eventually our oil wells will be dried up and we will be forced to import from Saudi Arabia."Even now we are importing oil from Saudi Arabia as our oil including from Terengganu's offshore wells is not suitable for tar and diesel. We have to filter the oil in Singapore before bringing it back to Malaysia," he said at an Umno gathering to explain current issues here, Friday.Tengku Razaleigh, who was once Petronas chairman, was asked by a participant whether he would raise the price of oil if he were prime minister.However, he regarded as illogical the government's move to increase the price of petrol by 78 sen to RM2.70 per litre and diesel by RM1 to RM2.58 per litre as the price might go up again."Is the government prepared to change the price again if the price goes up as the current price is still not stable?"He said the recent oil price increase was too high and had burdened the people, especially the low-income group. "The situation is putting everyone under a lot of pressure," he added.However, he did not say how the government should tackle the oil price hike.On another note, the Gua Musang Member of Parliament said Umno members should rid themselves of the fear syndrome and instead be brave to point out any wrongdoing or mistakes by the leaders to ensure that the party remained strong and relevant to the Malays.
Posted by Super Admin
Saturday, 14 June 2008
(Bernama) -- The country can go bankrupt if the government continues giving oil subsidy to the people, in order to cope with the global oil price hike, without sound measures to tackle the problem, said former Finance Minister Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah.He said based on information from Petronas and the oil production rate of 600,000 barrels per day currently, he opined that the country's oil and gas reserves would not be able to meet the demand in the next five years."After this, Malaysia will have to bear a high cost and depend wholly on oil imports to meet the local demand."If the oil subsidy continues like in the last 45 years, the country can go bankrupt. Now we are producing 600,000 barrels daily...eventually our oil wells will be dried up and we will be forced to import from Saudi Arabia."Even now we are importing oil from Saudi Arabia as our oil including from Terengganu's offshore wells is not suitable for tar and diesel. We have to filter the oil in Singapore before bringing it back to Malaysia," he said at an Umno gathering to explain current issues here, Friday.Tengku Razaleigh, who was once Petronas chairman, was asked by a participant whether he would raise the price of oil if he were prime minister.However, he regarded as illogical the government's move to increase the price of petrol by 78 sen to RM2.70 per litre and diesel by RM1 to RM2.58 per litre as the price might go up again."Is the government prepared to change the price again if the price goes up as the current price is still not stable?"He said the recent oil price increase was too high and had burdened the people, especially the low-income group. "The situation is putting everyone under a lot of pressure," he added.However, he did not say how the government should tackle the oil price hike.On another note, the Gua Musang Member of Parliament said Umno members should rid themselves of the fear syndrome and instead be brave to point out any wrongdoing or mistakes by the leaders to ensure that the party remained strong and relevant to the Malays.
Friday, June 6, 2008
Dr M's Quit Umno Move Said To Favour Tengku Razaleigh's Bid For President
KOTA BAHARU, May 21 (Bernama) -- The move by former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad to quit Umno has given momentum to the proposal by Gua Musang Member of Parliament Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah to garner support to contest the post of Umno president in the party elections in December, according to the Kelantan Justices of the Peace Council.Council president Datuk Shukri Mohamed said Dr Mahathir's move was an expression of his concern for the credibility of the leadership of Umno and the country.Sukri, who is the former Barisan Nasional (BN) Member of Parliament for Machang, said Dr Mahathir's move should be viewed seriously because the former Umno president could be looking at things on a wider perspective.Tengku Razaleigh is travelling the length and breadth of the country to appeal to party members to support his bid to contest the post of president
KOTA BAHARU, May 21 (Bernama) -- The move by former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad to quit Umno has given momentum to the proposal by Gua Musang Member of Parliament Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah to garner support to contest the post of Umno president in the party elections in December, according to the Kelantan Justices of the Peace Council.Council president Datuk Shukri Mohamed said Dr Mahathir's move was an expression of his concern for the credibility of the leadership of Umno and the country.Sukri, who is the former Barisan Nasional (BN) Member of Parliament for Machang, said Dr Mahathir's move should be viewed seriously because the former Umno president could be looking at things on a wider perspective.Tengku Razaleigh is travelling the length and breadth of the country to appeal to party members to support his bid to contest the post of president
Kuli: The Modern Day Hang Jebat
First, allow me to talk about Hang Jebat.Hang Jebat was a great aboriginal Malay leader of the Galang (or Laut) tribe of Johor and the cousin of Hang Tuah, the legendary defence minister (or Datuk Laksamana) of the ancient Melaka and Johor Empire in the 15th century.Both Hang Tuah and Hang Jebat are sacred in Malay (Johorean) mythology and they symbolise the two eternally antagonistic principles in Native Malaysian (Malay) politics.The two principles are, firstly, as represented by Tuah, following the leader and not challenging him, regardless of the costs of not doing so.And secondly, as represented by Jebat, opposing a leader whose views may seem unjust to many, for the good of society.The Sultan of Melaka and Johor, Sultan Mansur Shah 1, once sentenced Tuah to death, after listening to rumours that Tuah had an affair with one of the Sultan’s wives.But the Sultan’s trusted Chief Minister Tun Perak knew Tuah well, and faked the execution.(Tun Perak is the ancestor of Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak, Education Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein, his father and third Prime Minister Tun Hussein Onn, his grandfather and UMNO founder president Datuk Onn Jaafar, and the royal houses of Johor, Perak, Selangor, Pahang and Terengganu)Jebat, one of the Sultan’s army commanders, revolted against the Sultan and caused the Melaka and Johor court to leave Melaka City for Pahang, which was also a vassal state of Melaka and Johor.Jebat, who became regent of Melaka and Johor for a short while, challenged the Sultan and Tun Perak to bring forth their best fighters to fight him to death, before the Melaka and Johor throne could be restored to the Sultan.None of the Sultan’s and Tun Perak’s fighters dared to face Jebat, who was the kingdom’s strongest fighter after Tuah.As the Sultan regretted “killing” Tuah, Tun Perak promptly brought forth Jebat’s cousin to the Sultan, and Tuah was promptly given a royal apology.And a new task - to execute Jebat, his cousin, for treason.Tuah and Jebat subsequently fought to death, with Tuah emerging victorious.Jebat willingly died for his elder cousin, taking to the grave his solemn belief that it was necessary to fight against the leader’s unjust and unfair decisions even if it meant death.Tuah made a painful decision to kill his own cousin, as it was his solemn belief that one who broke the law by rebelling against authority had to be punished accordingly.Both Tuah and Jebat promised each other, in the duel, that whoever won would see his principle triumph in Malay (Johor) culture for all times.Tuah won, and his principle triumphed in Malay (Johor) culture, including the culture of the United Malay National Organisation (UMNO) until the country celebrated its 30th birthday in 1987.In that year Kelantanese prince Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah offered himself as a candidate in the UMNO party presidential election.He went against the fifth UMNO president and fourth Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and narrowly lost.As a result, Razaleigh and his supporters were forced to quit UMNO, and formed the Malay Party Of The Spirit Of 1946 or Parti Melayu Semangat 46.Razaleigh’s supporters included his political mentors Tun Hussein Onn and Malaysia’s first Prime Minister and Father of Malaysia Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra.They nudged him to fight for the presidency as they believed that Tun Dr Mahathir was moving Malaysia on a path that, while beneficial for the nation in the short run, negated the two-party democratic system that they always stood for.Razaleigh and his supporters did not challenge the UMNO president out of greed, but out of principles and a love for democracy.As the brilliant visionary Tun Dr Mahathir tolerated no opposition in UMNO, Razaleigh and his allies had no choice but to be cast out of the party, and form their own party.Semangat 46 fought UMNO in two general elections in 1990 and 1995. Its support dwindled over the years, as the Malaysian economy became bullish and strong no thanks to the brilliant economic management of Tun Dr Mahathir.Razaleigh and his backers soon realised that the indigenous Peninsular Malaysians preferred Tun Dr Mahathir’s UMNO, and thus, for the sake of Malay unity, the breakaway party gave up its fight and its members were re-absorbed into UMNO in 1996.In 2004, Razaleigh once again contested the UMNO presidency, this time against his former ally Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, the fifth Malaysian Prime Minister who succeeded Tun Dr Mahathir. He lost.And this year, he is once again contesting the UMNO presidency against Abdullah.Razaleigh, whose father, Kelantan’s first post-Independence Menteri Besar (Head Minister) Tengku Hamzah Tengku Zainal Abidin was a multi-millionaire businessman, does not challenge his party bosses out of greed or jealousy.He always does so to keep the spirit of democracy alive in the party and society. He believes in the way of Jebat, not the way of Tuah.Here is a brief biography of Razaleigh, who is nicknamed Ku Li by family and friends.Razaleigh was born on April 13, 1937 in Kota Baru, Kelantan.He received his early education in Kota Baru’s first English school Sultan Ismail College and the Malay College Kuala Kangsar, Perak.He graduated with first class honours in economics at Belfast University in Britain.Razaleigh, whose father was a founder of UMNO Kelantan, managed Malaysia’s National Oil Company (PETRONAS) and the Indigenous People’s Bank of Malaysia (CIMB) before he became a cabinet minister in 1976.He also became the leader of Malaysia’s first trade mission to China in 1971.As a cabinet minister, he handled Finance from 1976-1984 and International Trade and Industry from 1984-1987.Throughout his days as a minister and later an opposition leader, Razaleigh upheld secular and multi-racial politics, and always spoke up for democracy, meritocracy and liberalism.Until today, he is one of the most respected indigenous Malaysian politicians in the eyes of the Malaysian Chinese and Malaysian Indian communities.
First, allow me to talk about Hang Jebat.Hang Jebat was a great aboriginal Malay leader of the Galang (or Laut) tribe of Johor and the cousin of Hang Tuah, the legendary defence minister (or Datuk Laksamana) of the ancient Melaka and Johor Empire in the 15th century.Both Hang Tuah and Hang Jebat are sacred in Malay (Johorean) mythology and they symbolise the two eternally antagonistic principles in Native Malaysian (Malay) politics.The two principles are, firstly, as represented by Tuah, following the leader and not challenging him, regardless of the costs of not doing so.And secondly, as represented by Jebat, opposing a leader whose views may seem unjust to many, for the good of society.The Sultan of Melaka and Johor, Sultan Mansur Shah 1, once sentenced Tuah to death, after listening to rumours that Tuah had an affair with one of the Sultan’s wives.But the Sultan’s trusted Chief Minister Tun Perak knew Tuah well, and faked the execution.(Tun Perak is the ancestor of Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak, Education Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein, his father and third Prime Minister Tun Hussein Onn, his grandfather and UMNO founder president Datuk Onn Jaafar, and the royal houses of Johor, Perak, Selangor, Pahang and Terengganu)Jebat, one of the Sultan’s army commanders, revolted against the Sultan and caused the Melaka and Johor court to leave Melaka City for Pahang, which was also a vassal state of Melaka and Johor.Jebat, who became regent of Melaka and Johor for a short while, challenged the Sultan and Tun Perak to bring forth their best fighters to fight him to death, before the Melaka and Johor throne could be restored to the Sultan.None of the Sultan’s and Tun Perak’s fighters dared to face Jebat, who was the kingdom’s strongest fighter after Tuah.As the Sultan regretted “killing” Tuah, Tun Perak promptly brought forth Jebat’s cousin to the Sultan, and Tuah was promptly given a royal apology.And a new task - to execute Jebat, his cousin, for treason.Tuah and Jebat subsequently fought to death, with Tuah emerging victorious.Jebat willingly died for his elder cousin, taking to the grave his solemn belief that it was necessary to fight against the leader’s unjust and unfair decisions even if it meant death.Tuah made a painful decision to kill his own cousin, as it was his solemn belief that one who broke the law by rebelling against authority had to be punished accordingly.Both Tuah and Jebat promised each other, in the duel, that whoever won would see his principle triumph in Malay (Johor) culture for all times.Tuah won, and his principle triumphed in Malay (Johor) culture, including the culture of the United Malay National Organisation (UMNO) until the country celebrated its 30th birthday in 1987.In that year Kelantanese prince Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah offered himself as a candidate in the UMNO party presidential election.He went against the fifth UMNO president and fourth Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and narrowly lost.As a result, Razaleigh and his supporters were forced to quit UMNO, and formed the Malay Party Of The Spirit Of 1946 or Parti Melayu Semangat 46.Razaleigh’s supporters included his political mentors Tun Hussein Onn and Malaysia’s first Prime Minister and Father of Malaysia Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra.They nudged him to fight for the presidency as they believed that Tun Dr Mahathir was moving Malaysia on a path that, while beneficial for the nation in the short run, negated the two-party democratic system that they always stood for.Razaleigh and his supporters did not challenge the UMNO president out of greed, but out of principles and a love for democracy.As the brilliant visionary Tun Dr Mahathir tolerated no opposition in UMNO, Razaleigh and his allies had no choice but to be cast out of the party, and form their own party.Semangat 46 fought UMNO in two general elections in 1990 and 1995. Its support dwindled over the years, as the Malaysian economy became bullish and strong no thanks to the brilliant economic management of Tun Dr Mahathir.Razaleigh and his backers soon realised that the indigenous Peninsular Malaysians preferred Tun Dr Mahathir’s UMNO, and thus, for the sake of Malay unity, the breakaway party gave up its fight and its members were re-absorbed into UMNO in 1996.In 2004, Razaleigh once again contested the UMNO presidency, this time against his former ally Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, the fifth Malaysian Prime Minister who succeeded Tun Dr Mahathir. He lost.And this year, he is once again contesting the UMNO presidency against Abdullah.Razaleigh, whose father, Kelantan’s first post-Independence Menteri Besar (Head Minister) Tengku Hamzah Tengku Zainal Abidin was a multi-millionaire businessman, does not challenge his party bosses out of greed or jealousy.He always does so to keep the spirit of democracy alive in the party and society. He believes in the way of Jebat, not the way of Tuah.Here is a brief biography of Razaleigh, who is nicknamed Ku Li by family and friends.Razaleigh was born on April 13, 1937 in Kota Baru, Kelantan.He received his early education in Kota Baru’s first English school Sultan Ismail College and the Malay College Kuala Kangsar, Perak.He graduated with first class honours in economics at Belfast University in Britain.Razaleigh, whose father was a founder of UMNO Kelantan, managed Malaysia’s National Oil Company (PETRONAS) and the Indigenous People’s Bank of Malaysia (CIMB) before he became a cabinet minister in 1976.He also became the leader of Malaysia’s first trade mission to China in 1971.As a cabinet minister, he handled Finance from 1976-1984 and International Trade and Industry from 1984-1987.Throughout his days as a minister and later an opposition leader, Razaleigh upheld secular and multi-racial politics, and always spoke up for democracy, meritocracy and liberalism.Until today, he is one of the most respected indigenous Malaysian politicians in the eyes of the Malaysian Chinese and Malaysian Indian communities.
Ezam useful to Umno, says Kuli
KOTA BARU, May 31 — Former Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) Youth chief Mohamad Ezam Mohd Noor, who rejoined Umno on Wednesday, can help draw to Umno young people who are inclined to support the Opposition, Gua Musang MP Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah said yesterday.
He said Ezam had great influence on national politics and had a following, particularly among the younger generation, when he was with PKR.
"I feel Ezam can help attract young people to Umno because he is an influential politican," he told reporters after launching the Kelantan Silat Tomoi Association in Kuala Besar here.
Tengku Razaleigh, who is Gua Musang Umno division chief, also said that Ezam could give new ideas for the good of society and Umno.
"Umno can use Ezam if he is truly sincere in wanting to strive for the party," he said.
Tengku Razaleigh also said that Umno should attempt to get more of its former leaders back into the party.
"I feel that despite Tun (Dr Mahathir Mohamad) having left Umno, he still has Umno at heart and his criticism in the past was made in the interest of Umno and the country," he said.
Dr Mahathir, who has been critical of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi's leadership, quit Umno on May 19, saying he would only rejoin the party after Abdullah had stepped down as Umno president and prime minister.
Tengku Razaleigh also refuted allegations by certain quarters that he would not contest the post of Umno president if Abdullah stepped down as Umno president and prime minister soon.
"That's not correct. I am offering myself (to contest the post of president) to help rejuvenate an unsettled situation in the country, not because Pak Lah (Abdullah) wants to step down or otherwise.
"Whatever it is, I would want to wait until December," he said.
The Umno elections are scheduled for December when the party holds its general assembly. — Bernama
He said Ezam had great influence on national politics and had a following, particularly among the younger generation, when he was with PKR.
"I feel Ezam can help attract young people to Umno because he is an influential politican," he told reporters after launching the Kelantan Silat Tomoi Association in Kuala Besar here.
Tengku Razaleigh, who is Gua Musang Umno division chief, also said that Ezam could give new ideas for the good of society and Umno.
"Umno can use Ezam if he is truly sincere in wanting to strive for the party," he said.
Tengku Razaleigh also said that Umno should attempt to get more of its former leaders back into the party.
"I feel that despite Tun (Dr Mahathir Mohamad) having left Umno, he still has Umno at heart and his criticism in the past was made in the interest of Umno and the country," he said.
Dr Mahathir, who has been critical of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi's leadership, quit Umno on May 19, saying he would only rejoin the party after Abdullah had stepped down as Umno president and prime minister.
Tengku Razaleigh also refuted allegations by certain quarters that he would not contest the post of Umno president if Abdullah stepped down as Umno president and prime minister soon.
"That's not correct. I am offering myself (to contest the post of president) to help rejuvenate an unsettled situation in the country, not because Pak Lah (Abdullah) wants to step down or otherwise.
"Whatever it is, I would want to wait until December," he said.
The Umno elections are scheduled for December when the party holds its general assembly. — Bernama
Umno does not need to reinvent itself, says Razaleigh
Posted on 11 May 2008
Posted on 11 May 2008
Tags: ketuanan Melayu, Malay supremacy, Prime Minister, Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah, UMNO
KUALA LUMPUR: Umno veteran Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah is confident that the party will regain its support if leaders behave and govern the country fairly and justly.
Stressing that the party need not reengineer or reinvent itself, he said it was the excesses and arrogance of the leaders which caused anger and disgust among the people, leading them to vote any party except Umno.
In an interview with The Star, he said that if Umno was facing a crisis, it was one of “monumental significance”, not just to members and to Malays, but to the country.
“I cannot foresee the country without Umno. The Malays only know Umno and its allies. I cannot imagine how the Malays will behave or react without Umno on the scene,” he said.
Tengku Razaleigh said though some Malaysians greeted the results of the March 8 election results with euphoria in that it showed maturity in the thinking of the people, he took a different interpretation.
Centre of attraction: Tengku Razaleigh being mobbed by reporters on Thursday. The Umno veteran thinks that the party has a chance to make it back big if its leaders make the right move.
“It would have been different if Umno didn’t behave like that. Even if people had opted to go the multi racial make up of the PKR, for instance, they might have won some seats, but not to the extent of what they are enjoying now.”
On the issue of Malay supremacy or ketuanan Melayu, he said what was being bandied about was a fallacious way of looking at the term. He said the concept of ketuanan Melayu was more historical than anything else.
He said in effect, it wasn’t true and people were exaggerating it for political reasons or making demands because they were angry at having lost badly in the polls.
Asked what his priorities would be if he got the nominations to contest the Umno presidency and won it and become the Prime Minister, he said unity would be foremost on his mind. “To bring about unity in all aspects of government policies, programmes and even to the NGOs and the political institutions. That should also be the primary concern of everybody,” he said.
The 71-year political veteran said he would also “exhaustively” re-look the education system to ensure that it was geared towards unity.
He said he would also work to kill the cancer of corruption. Similarly within Umno, corruption through the form of giving of contracts, permits and money politics would be brought down without exception, he said.
TheStar News
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Ku Li moves up a gear in tough drive for support
Ku Li moves up a gear in tough drive for support
Posted by Super Admin
Monday, 02 June 2008
Ku Li is still facing obstacles on the ground. Party members are being stopped from attending his functions. But if branches pass resolutions giving him their support, the division chiefs will have no choice but to allow their members to debate the resolution and consider nominating Ku Li
The Malaysian Insider Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah has stepped up his campaign to obtain the 58 nominations from Umno divisions to contest party president’s position in December.
He openly asked branch officials to support his candidacy when he made the rounds in Kelantan on Friday and Saturday. The Umno veteran also asked branch officials to pass resolutions supporting him during their meetings and elections which will begin in 6 weeks. He knows that once a branch passes a resolution, it will have to be tabled and discussed when the all important division meetings are held.
An aide told the Malaysian Insider: "Ku Li is still facing obstacles on the ground. Party members are being stopped from attending his functions. But if branches pass resolutions giving him their support, the division chiefs will have no choice but to allow their members to debate the resolution and consider nominating Ku Li."
It is not only the Kelantan prince who is courting the ordinary man. So are Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. Dr Mahathir knows that if he is to stand any chance of pushing Abdullah out from office before December, he must whip up anger among Umno branches.
For Abdullah, the equation is simple. If branches pass resolutions supporting his opponents or Datuk Seri Najib Razak as party president, this could influence proceedings at the crucial division meetings in October.
Since offering himself for the top post in the party, Tengku Razaleigh has confined his speeches to sketching a D-Day scenario for Umno and outlining the steps the ruling party needs to take to regain the support of the ground. He has also pushed for the democratisation of Umno, urging the grassroots to demand an election system where the party’s three million members had a say in the choice of individuals who lead the party.
But with the important branch elections only weeks away, Ku Li has had to opt for a more direct plea for support in his meetings with fishermen, taxi drivers and other blue collar workers – the salt of the earth types who form the spine of the party in rural areas. In the eyes of the powerful division warlords, he is an outsider, someone who has tried unsuccessfully over the years to snare the top post in the party.
He is neither a minister nor in any position to offer patronage in the same way that the incumbents in Umno’s top positions are able to. Also, because he has not been part of the national leadership for a long time, the younger members of the party do not have a connection with him. All these factors will count against Ku Li at the division meetings unless there is a groundswell of support from branch officials which cannot be ignored.
That is why Ku Li is working the ground hard, moving from one meeting to another, shooting breeze with the everyday man and not worrying if he has 50 people in the audience or 500. He knows that his hope lies with the ordinary member. The only concern is whether his message of reform and the need to make Umno attractive for all Malaysians is getting any traction with this crowd.
Quite clearly, they are more interested in talk about Malays losing political power. Speakers who took the podium before Ku Li mentioned how the non-Malays had gained a stronger voice in Malaysia after Election 2008, pointing out that the deputy speaker in Perak is an Indian and the Speaker in Selangor is a Chinese.
It is this concern of dissipating political power among the Malay grassroots which Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and his supporters have been trying to stoke and capitalise on. The former prime minister knows that if he is to be successful in forcing Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi from power he cannot depend on the current set of division leaders, Umno supreme council members, deputy ministers and ministers.
Only a clutch of power brokers including Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin are agreeable to Abdullah stepping down before December. Like Ku Li, Tun Dr Mahathir also has to build up the momentum for the overthrow of Abdullah from the branch level.
On his part, Abdullah has also been reaching out to branch officials. So far, he has met the rank-and-file from Penang, Kedah and Selangor. They have criticised him openly over his leadership style and his choice of advisers. But none of them asked him to step down before December. Still, not all his supporters believe that the battle is won, yet.Not with Ku Li and Dr Mahathir working as hard as they are.
Posted by Super Admin
Monday, 02 June 2008
Ku Li is still facing obstacles on the ground. Party members are being stopped from attending his functions. But if branches pass resolutions giving him their support, the division chiefs will have no choice but to allow their members to debate the resolution and consider nominating Ku Li
The Malaysian Insider Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah has stepped up his campaign to obtain the 58 nominations from Umno divisions to contest party president’s position in December.
He openly asked branch officials to support his candidacy when he made the rounds in Kelantan on Friday and Saturday. The Umno veteran also asked branch officials to pass resolutions supporting him during their meetings and elections which will begin in 6 weeks. He knows that once a branch passes a resolution, it will have to be tabled and discussed when the all important division meetings are held.
An aide told the Malaysian Insider: "Ku Li is still facing obstacles on the ground. Party members are being stopped from attending his functions. But if branches pass resolutions giving him their support, the division chiefs will have no choice but to allow their members to debate the resolution and consider nominating Ku Li."
It is not only the Kelantan prince who is courting the ordinary man. So are Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. Dr Mahathir knows that if he is to stand any chance of pushing Abdullah out from office before December, he must whip up anger among Umno branches.
For Abdullah, the equation is simple. If branches pass resolutions supporting his opponents or Datuk Seri Najib Razak as party president, this could influence proceedings at the crucial division meetings in October.
Since offering himself for the top post in the party, Tengku Razaleigh has confined his speeches to sketching a D-Day scenario for Umno and outlining the steps the ruling party needs to take to regain the support of the ground. He has also pushed for the democratisation of Umno, urging the grassroots to demand an election system where the party’s three million members had a say in the choice of individuals who lead the party.
But with the important branch elections only weeks away, Ku Li has had to opt for a more direct plea for support in his meetings with fishermen, taxi drivers and other blue collar workers – the salt of the earth types who form the spine of the party in rural areas. In the eyes of the powerful division warlords, he is an outsider, someone who has tried unsuccessfully over the years to snare the top post in the party.
He is neither a minister nor in any position to offer patronage in the same way that the incumbents in Umno’s top positions are able to. Also, because he has not been part of the national leadership for a long time, the younger members of the party do not have a connection with him. All these factors will count against Ku Li at the division meetings unless there is a groundswell of support from branch officials which cannot be ignored.
That is why Ku Li is working the ground hard, moving from one meeting to another, shooting breeze with the everyday man and not worrying if he has 50 people in the audience or 500. He knows that his hope lies with the ordinary member. The only concern is whether his message of reform and the need to make Umno attractive for all Malaysians is getting any traction with this crowd.
Quite clearly, they are more interested in talk about Malays losing political power. Speakers who took the podium before Ku Li mentioned how the non-Malays had gained a stronger voice in Malaysia after Election 2008, pointing out that the deputy speaker in Perak is an Indian and the Speaker in Selangor is a Chinese.
It is this concern of dissipating political power among the Malay grassroots which Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and his supporters have been trying to stoke and capitalise on. The former prime minister knows that if he is to be successful in forcing Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi from power he cannot depend on the current set of division leaders, Umno supreme council members, deputy ministers and ministers.
Only a clutch of power brokers including Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin are agreeable to Abdullah stepping down before December. Like Ku Li, Tun Dr Mahathir also has to build up the momentum for the overthrow of Abdullah from the branch level.
On his part, Abdullah has also been reaching out to branch officials. So far, he has met the rank-and-file from Penang, Kedah and Selangor. They have criticised him openly over his leadership style and his choice of advisers. But none of them asked him to step down before December. Still, not all his supporters believe that the battle is won, yet.Not with Ku Li and Dr Mahathir working as hard as they are.
Ku Li Suggests Election Of Umno Leaders Through Polls By All Members
Posted by ben123
Saturday, 31 May 2008
(Bernama) -- Gua Musang Umno division head Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah suggests that leaders at all levels in Umno, including the president, be elected through the polls by all party members.In doing so, he believed, it could restore the party's image which had been dented following the March general election."We give back the power to the people by allowing them to choose the leaders at all levels through votes or other mechanisms," he told reporters after opening the Kelantan branch of the Council of Former Malaysian Elected Representatives (Mubarak) here Friday.Tengku Razaleigh, who is also Gua Musang Member of Parliament, said Umno's 3.4 million members should be allowed to decide on the leaders in the party, at all levels, through votes.He also suggested that the person be appointed for the post of the party State Liaison Committee Chairman be decided by Umno division leaders in the respective states, instead of the party president.Tengku Razaleigh said that as an Umno member, he felt it his responsibility to make the suggestions with the intention of restoring Umno's image.The suggestions had been raised by Tengku Razaleigh at the Umno general assembly in 2004.
Saturday, 31 May 2008
(Bernama) -- Gua Musang Umno division head Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah suggests that leaders at all levels in Umno, including the president, be elected through the polls by all party members.In doing so, he believed, it could restore the party's image which had been dented following the March general election."We give back the power to the people by allowing them to choose the leaders at all levels through votes or other mechanisms," he told reporters after opening the Kelantan branch of the Council of Former Malaysian Elected Representatives (Mubarak) here Friday.Tengku Razaleigh, who is also Gua Musang Member of Parliament, said Umno's 3.4 million members should be allowed to decide on the leaders in the party, at all levels, through votes.He also suggested that the person be appointed for the post of the party State Liaison Committee Chairman be decided by Umno division leaders in the respective states, instead of the party president.Tengku Razaleigh said that as an Umno member, he felt it his responsibility to make the suggestions with the intention of restoring Umno's image.The suggestions had been raised by Tengku Razaleigh at the Umno general assembly in 2004.
Ku Li steadfast on renewal and inclusion
Part 4: The Malaysian Insider looks at the impact the resignation of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad has on the major players in Umno. The spotlight today is on Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah.
Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah shows patience and persistence. — Bernama picKUALA LUMPUR, May 27 — He has been chugging along quietly, bringing his message of renewal and a better Malaysia to different parts of the country, from run down school halls to the swanky Sutera Harbour Resort in Kota Kinabalu.
Sometimes the audience is in the hundreds, rarely does it breach the 2,000 mark. He hardly gets a mention in the newspapers and is still not considered a serious contender for the ultimate prize in Malaysian politics – the presidency of Umno.
But Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah has caught the attention of the de facto Opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. The former deputy prime minister likes the big picture quality of Ku Li’s message to Umno members.
In an interview with Asia Inc. he said: "A lot of people consider Tengku Razaleigh as a has-been. But don’t forget he was in the Opposition for nearly 10 years so he has the experience of fighting from the outside. He was finance minister for a long time so he understands the economy. And I think of all the Umno leaders, he actually gets it because he is talking about real change. He thinks it should appeal to all Malaysians rather than just Malays. He can be a formidable opponent."
Members of Anwar’s camp say that he is not looking at the Kelantan prince as an opponent but an ally, a valuable addition to the Pakatan Rakyat – someone who with his royal credentials would be acceptable to the Malay Rulers, a key power centre in the new Malaysia. Someone who with his credentials could persuade Umno politicians to cross over to the Opposition and legitimise the PKR-Pas-DAP government in the eyes of the Malay electorate.
Someone with the gravitas sorely needed by the Opposition.
It is unclear if Anwar’s camp or anyone in the Opposition has made any overtures to Ku Li but the Umno veteran’s aides say that he is an Umno man and is not keen on achieving power outside of elections or through unconstitutional means.
Also, he believes that his campaign to reach out to the party’s grassroots is getting traction. And with Dr Mahathir’s resignation and his campaign to force Prime Minister Datuk Abdullah Ahmad Badawi likely to hit overdrive soon, Ku Li stands an improved chance of getting the precious 58 nominations from Umno divisions needed to contest the party president’s position.
What makes Tengku Razaleigh appealing to the neutral is his inclusiveness and sharp mind. He speaks about the need to preserve the Malay language and assures Malays that their special rights are protected by the Constitution. But he is also prepared to leave the safe zone and blast Umno members for their arrogance and addiction to power and patronage.
So far, he has not played the race card and was uneasy hearing the pitch Dr Mahathir took in Johor a week ago when the former prime minister cautioned the Malays about the demands being made by some non-Malay groups such as the Hindu Rights Action Force.
On Saturday night in Sabah, he spoke the language of change, calling on the people in the East Malaysian state to show their famous independent streak and change their own circumstances. He agreed that there should be a review of oil royalties paid to Sabah; said that Sabah should have its own gas plant and that qualified Sabahans should be promoted to top civil service positions across the country.
Ku Li also proposed that it was time to review the 1948 tax agreement. This legislation gave all powers of taxation to the federal government and with states only given capital, growth and other grants. And then for the first since he began his campaign of renewal after the March 8 elections, he told the branch chiefs that if they had confidence in him, they should translate it to nominations at the divisional meetings.
He also made a case for making Umno more democratic. Umno should democratise, with leadership and representation both in party and Parliament to be determined locally than from the top. State liaison chiefs should be elected by the divisions rather than by the president. Delegates to the AGM should be elected by members, not appointed by division chiefs, he suggested.
"Our party is no longer democratic. We have lost our sense of mission and struggle. The Umno culture has become sycophantic and fearful, dominated from above. Our highest value is now money," he said, adding that he had called for an extraordinary meeting to consider proposals that will return powers of selecting leaders to the grassroots.
Stirring speech aside, Ku Li still has an Everest to scale. The idealism of the party’s founding members that he preaches about no longer courses through the veins of this vintage. It has been replaced by pragmatism and self-interest.
Umno has become a business and only those leaders who can keep members contented with a steady diet of projects and positions are supported. Worse yet, the levers of power in the party are controlled by the 193 division chiefs, state liaison chiefs, supreme council members and the party president. Only a major amendment to the party constitution could return power to the rank-and-file as Tengku Razaleigh suggests.
But the electoral college consists of division chiefs, their nominees, supreme council members, etc. It is not in their interest to upset the status quo.
Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah shows patience and persistence. — Bernama picKUALA LUMPUR, May 27 — He has been chugging along quietly, bringing his message of renewal and a better Malaysia to different parts of the country, from run down school halls to the swanky Sutera Harbour Resort in Kota Kinabalu.
Sometimes the audience is in the hundreds, rarely does it breach the 2,000 mark. He hardly gets a mention in the newspapers and is still not considered a serious contender for the ultimate prize in Malaysian politics – the presidency of Umno.
But Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah has caught the attention of the de facto Opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. The former deputy prime minister likes the big picture quality of Ku Li’s message to Umno members.
In an interview with Asia Inc. he said: "A lot of people consider Tengku Razaleigh as a has-been. But don’t forget he was in the Opposition for nearly 10 years so he has the experience of fighting from the outside. He was finance minister for a long time so he understands the economy. And I think of all the Umno leaders, he actually gets it because he is talking about real change. He thinks it should appeal to all Malaysians rather than just Malays. He can be a formidable opponent."
Members of Anwar’s camp say that he is not looking at the Kelantan prince as an opponent but an ally, a valuable addition to the Pakatan Rakyat – someone who with his royal credentials would be acceptable to the Malay Rulers, a key power centre in the new Malaysia. Someone who with his credentials could persuade Umno politicians to cross over to the Opposition and legitimise the PKR-Pas-DAP government in the eyes of the Malay electorate.
Someone with the gravitas sorely needed by the Opposition.
It is unclear if Anwar’s camp or anyone in the Opposition has made any overtures to Ku Li but the Umno veteran’s aides say that he is an Umno man and is not keen on achieving power outside of elections or through unconstitutional means.
Also, he believes that his campaign to reach out to the party’s grassroots is getting traction. And with Dr Mahathir’s resignation and his campaign to force Prime Minister Datuk Abdullah Ahmad Badawi likely to hit overdrive soon, Ku Li stands an improved chance of getting the precious 58 nominations from Umno divisions needed to contest the party president’s position.
What makes Tengku Razaleigh appealing to the neutral is his inclusiveness and sharp mind. He speaks about the need to preserve the Malay language and assures Malays that their special rights are protected by the Constitution. But he is also prepared to leave the safe zone and blast Umno members for their arrogance and addiction to power and patronage.
So far, he has not played the race card and was uneasy hearing the pitch Dr Mahathir took in Johor a week ago when the former prime minister cautioned the Malays about the demands being made by some non-Malay groups such as the Hindu Rights Action Force.
On Saturday night in Sabah, he spoke the language of change, calling on the people in the East Malaysian state to show their famous independent streak and change their own circumstances. He agreed that there should be a review of oil royalties paid to Sabah; said that Sabah should have its own gas plant and that qualified Sabahans should be promoted to top civil service positions across the country.
Ku Li also proposed that it was time to review the 1948 tax agreement. This legislation gave all powers of taxation to the federal government and with states only given capital, growth and other grants. And then for the first since he began his campaign of renewal after the March 8 elections, he told the branch chiefs that if they had confidence in him, they should translate it to nominations at the divisional meetings.
He also made a case for making Umno more democratic. Umno should democratise, with leadership and representation both in party and Parliament to be determined locally than from the top. State liaison chiefs should be elected by the divisions rather than by the president. Delegates to the AGM should be elected by members, not appointed by division chiefs, he suggested.
"Our party is no longer democratic. We have lost our sense of mission and struggle. The Umno culture has become sycophantic and fearful, dominated from above. Our highest value is now money," he said, adding that he had called for an extraordinary meeting to consider proposals that will return powers of selecting leaders to the grassroots.
Stirring speech aside, Ku Li still has an Everest to scale. The idealism of the party’s founding members that he preaches about no longer courses through the veins of this vintage. It has been replaced by pragmatism and self-interest.
Umno has become a business and only those leaders who can keep members contented with a steady diet of projects and positions are supported. Worse yet, the levers of power in the party are controlled by the 193 division chiefs, state liaison chiefs, supreme council members and the party president. Only a major amendment to the party constitution could return power to the rank-and-file as Tengku Razaleigh suggests.
But the electoral college consists of division chiefs, their nominees, supreme council members, etc. It is not in their interest to upset the status quo.
No Intention To Quit Umno, Says Tengku Razaleigh
ALOR STAR, May 19 (Bernama) -- Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah said he would not follow Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad's decision of quitting Umno although he opined that it might be a good decision to make Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi realise.The Gua Musang Member of Parliament said he had no intention of leaving Umno and would contest the party president's post in December."If I quit the party, I can't contest the post," he told reporters after attending a gathering organised by the Kedah Malays Unity Organisation, here Monday.Tengku Razaleigh said he sympathised with Dr Mahathir who had to quit the party in what he regarded was a sad situation."Dr Mahathair should not have made that decision, but what to do? He must have felt that there was no better way than to quit the party."Tengku Razaleigh said he believed that Dr Mahathir made that decision because he was very angry with Abdullah for refusing to step down after repeatedly being told to do so.Dr Mahathir announced his decision to quit Umno with immediate effect after giving a talk on "The Position of the Malays After the 12th General Election", here.Tengku Razaleigh, a former finance minister and former Umno vice-president, challenged Dr Mahathir for the party president's post in 1987 but lost by 43 votes.He set up and led the Semangat 46 party in 1989 but rejoined Umno after his party was dissolved in 1996.Asked on the possibility of some Umno members following Dr Mahathir's step, Tengku Razaleigh said it could happen."If it does, it could have a deep impact on the party if many follow suit," he added.The Gua Musang Umno division chief said he was, however, shocked with Dr Mahathir's decision as he did not expect it to happen.He regards Dr Mahathir as a leader with vast experience and believes the former prime minister has given a lot of thought and considered all factors before making the decision.He also repeated his call for Umno to hold a special delegates' meeting to discuss returning the powers to the party members.
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